
Remote working is better with VoIP

If you’ve worked remotely these past few years, you’re part of the growing number of employees who choose to not be office-bound. This is a global trend; a report from Global Workplace Analytics and FlexJobs showed the number of remote workers increase in 115% in a decade. And Americans make up the largest percent. The […]

Office 365 will block Flash by 2019

Microsoft recently announced plans to eventually stop the activation of Silverlight, Shockwave, and Flash content in Office 365. This is not just the developers disabling bugs with an option to click a link or button to look at content. Within a few months’ time, Flash will be gone from Office 365 for good. What media […]

Mitigating healthcare insider threats

The healthcare industry is unique in that the biggest data security threat comes from insider breaches.The main reason for these unauthorized hacks is financial gain. So how can healthcare organizations protect themselves against insider threats? Read on. #1 Educate – The workforce (meaning all healthcare employees) must be educated on allowable uses and disclosures of […]

Nation-state hackers inflict destructive malware

A destructive, new malware has surfaced in at least 500,000 home and business routers across 54 countries. Security researchers warned that the infected devices could “self-destruct” as the said malware named VPNFilter can maintain presence even after a successful reboot. How VPNFilter Works Talos cited the vulnerable devices as Linksys, MikroTik, Netgear, and TP-Link networking […]

Can the “Black Dot” bug be fixed?

Apple just uncovered a new text bug that uses the Unicode writing system to overload the memory of its text messaging app, causing it to regularly crash. While the developers are still working to fix the issue, there are things you can do to avoid locking up your device. What is going on? A bug, […]

How to configure your new Windows 10 laptop

Got a new laptop? Windows 10 includes some wonderful features along with a revamped interface for Microsoft’s operating system. No matter how experienced you are with Windows, you still may need help getting used to this, so let’s get you started. #1 Check for updates Your new laptop should check for updates automatically, but you […]

WordPress security updates: Yay or nay?

WordPress (WP) websites play a crucial role in establishing a business’s online presence. One way WP developers keep business owners safe and happy is by providing regular security updates that protect sites from unauthorized access. But why do websites sometimes crash after an update, and what can you do to prevent that from happening? Be […]

How to Prepare for Disaster: An Introduction to IT Emergency Planning

Modern businesses invest billions of dollars every year in technology, so it only makes sense that they should do everything to protect it. After all, an IT disaster can quickly lead to enormous losses, particularly if you’re still relying on the break/fix support model rather than proactively protecting your technology assets.

Can AI empower customer service agents?

Imagine having artificial intelligence assistants (AI) like Siri or Cortana as your company’s customer service agents. It sounds fantastical now, but it’s slowly turning into reality. For many organizations, integrating AI into their systems is the next logical step in innovating customer support. How AI capabilities enhance customer service AI has two capabilities that enhance […]

Virtualization is not the same as the cloud

Virtualization and cloud computing are two technologies that have long been confusing business owners. But that shouldn’t be the case. Understanding the differences between the cloud and virtualization is the fastest way to use these technologies to your greatest advantage. Virtualization Imagine a company with five servers, each assigned a single task such as storage, […]