
What are watering hole attacks?

When talking about cyberattacks, the first one that usually comes to mind is phishing, a scam that uses email to spread malware or steal personal information. But hackers have a new method to infiltrate your systems, and it’s surprisingly effective. Here’s what you need to know about watering hole attacks. What are watering hole attacks? […]

Is your cloud solution going over budget?

The cloud is the perfect solution for small- and medium-sized businesses like yours. For a small monthly fee, you get access to cutting-edge technologies and 24/7 support from a team of cloud experts. But without proper management, cloud costs can quickly go over your budget. Here’s what you should do to keep it from becoming […]

How to speed up mobile charging

Is your phone’s battery still not full despite charging it for 2 hours straight? Although it might not be a big problem when you’re charging it at night, it’s a critical issue if you’re charging it during the day and you need it in a few minutes to make a lengthy business call. Here are […]

Non-financial blockchain solutions

Despite internet connections that deliver information to the other side of the globe in milliseconds, countless industries still rely on slow and inefficient middlemen to complete transactions. From supply chain management to hi-tech contracts, blockchain isn’t just about money, it’s about an entirely new way to do business. Just look at our examples. What is […]

Protect your Facebook data with these 3 steps

Facebook users woke up to a nightmare when they heard that the social media giant and associated app developers were selling their sensitive data to companies, like Cambridge Analytica, without their consent. So if you’re concerned about being one of the 50 million users whose data have already been sold, you should check out the […]

Virtualization and Windows Server 2019

Microsoft’s Windows Server operating systems are complicated enough to warrant their own certification program. However, small businesses can take full advantage of the features included in the latest version of this software by moving to an outsourced IT support model. Here’s what you miss out on if you keep everything in house.   Windows Server […]

Top 6 new features for Microsoft Teams

Are you using Microsoft Teams to streamline communication between your employees? If you are, get ready to enjoy a more convenient workplace chat platform. Microsoft has recently announced six new features for Teams. Cortana Integration One new feature that Microsoft will bring to Teams is Cortana, Microsoft’s virtual assistant. By integrating Cortana with Teams, users […]

What Are the Biggest Cyberthreats Facing Your Business?

As the digital threat landscape continues to evolve, every business needs to take a proactive approach to security by preparing for the worst. A digital security strategy starts with identifying the threats facing your organization and includes training your employees accordingly.

Gearing up for phishing scams in tax season

Paying and filing taxes is already annoying without the threat of refund fraud or identity theft. But phishing schemes, especially during tax season, have become so widespread that you’ve probably already received spoofed emails or calls during the last few years. To maintain the security of your business, you and your employees need to be […]

What Is Virtualization and What Can It Do for Your Business?

You’ve probably already heard about virtualization technology and how it can save your business money by making your daily operations run more efficiently. However, as is the case with any new system, making the transition requires at least a basic understanding of the underlying technology and how its features translate into benefits that align with your company’s goals.